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How to Keep Your Valuables Safe from a Fire

2/13/2023 (Permalink)

Fire, soot, and smoke damage inside a Las Vegas home. If you have suffered a fire, SERVPRO of Northwest Vegas is here to help. SERVPRO is a trusted leader in the fire and water restoration industry.

It's a sad fact that some people will try to rip you off after a fire. But don't let them! Keep your valuables safe with these tips.

Take an inventory of your valuables

If you have important items that are irreplaceable, take photos of them and write down the value of each piece. It's also helpful to keep a record of the serial numbers for all expensive items. Storing these records in a fireproof safe will give you peace of mind in case anything happens to your home or possessions.

Additionally, if there is any chance that an item might be stolen during a fire (e.g., jewelry), it can help to keep this list in another safe area outside the house—just as long as it's accessible by firefighters once they arrive on the scene!

If you have valuable items that are irreplaceable, take photos of them and write down the value of each piece. It's also helpful to keep a record of the serial numbers for all expensive items. Storing these records in a fireproof safe will give you peace of mind in case anything happens to your home or possessions.

Assess their value

The first step in protecting your valuables is to assess their value. Start by thinking about what you keep under lock and key (or behind padlocks, for those with a more rustic approach). List the items, then estimate the market value of each one. If you have an item that is worth a lot more than its purchase price, it’s important to know this so you can make sure it’s covered under your homeowner's insurance policy. 

For example, you have a collection of antique pottery that has been passed down through generations of your family. The pieces are valuable but may not be insured because they are considered art, not property. On the other hand, if someone broke into your home and stole these pots while they were in storage at an offsite location—that would be covered by insurance because they're considered personal property within your home even though they're not being kept there at present time.

Store your valuables in a secure place

Storing your valuables in a safe is the most secure way to protect them from fire. If you don’t have a safe in your Las Vegas home already, it’s worth looking into getting one.

You can also keep an inventory of all of your valuables with photographs and descriptions of each item. This will help you know what you lost in case there is any damage done by smoke or water that isn’t covered by insurance.

Photographs & Documents

These items are often easy to overlook when you're preparing for a fire. The photos and documents in your home aren't just sentimental items; they're also irreplaceable. You can always buy new jewelry, but you'll never get back the family heirlooms that were lost when your house burned down. 

Take care to keep these items safe, but don't forget about them either! Don't store them in the same place as your valuables—or any other important document or photo. These things deserve their own space and should be given special attention while planning your evacuation strategy. If there's room in the safe deposit box at your bank, consider keeping backups of these items there as well (though this is only an option if it's not too close to home). 


Use a fire-resistant frame. The matting that is placed behind your artwork is another important factor in protecting it from smoke and fire damage. A variety of materials are used in matting, all of which can catch fire and cause smoke damage to the art. For example, wood frames are highly flammable; canvas and linen mats may also be combustible. If you have original works that require framing, consider using non-combustible materials such as acrylic instead of wood or fabric frames and mats made with polyester rather than cotton or wool fabric. 

Keep artwork away from heat sources. Artwork should not be too close to heat sources such as radiators or radiators near windows because any papers contained within the artwork may become warped due to excessive heat exposure over time; this could cause permanent damage if the paper becomes curled or buckled during its lifespan as a finished piece (and therefore unable to be sold).

Take steps to protect the valuable items that you can't replace.

You should always ensure that the items you have stored in your home are properly insured. This way, if something happens to them, they will be replaced with money from your policy. It may also make sense to consider storing some of your valuables in a safe deposit box at a bank or credit union. This is especially true if you have any extremely valuable items like jewelry or art pieces that are irreplaceable and worth more than $100,000.

If you can’t store the item in a safe place or keep it with you at all times, there is still one last option for protecting it from fire damage: buy an appropriate container for it that can withstand the heat! Putting these types of items into fireproof boxes will help protect them from being destroyed by flames during a house fire.

Your belongings are valuable to you. Keep them safe with these tips.

It's important to understand that while insurance can help you recover from the financial impact of a disaster, it's not a perfect solution. It's best to have insurance, but also be prepared for what might happen if you're not insured. Make sure to keep an inventory of your valuables and consider insuring them.

It can be overwhelming to think about what to do with your valuables after a fire. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at SERVPRO of Northwest Vegas. We’re here to help!

Flood Insurance - Do I Really Need It?

1/4/2023 (Permalink)

Flood insurance form Flood insurance is an important part of your overall financial strategy.

If you live in any part of the world that regularly experiences flooding, then flood insurance is a necessity. Floods can be devastating to homes and lives, but they are not always covered by home insurance policies. If you plan on buying a home, or if you already have one and want to make sure that it is properly protected in case of flooding, then flood insurance is something you will need to purchase.

Flood Facts

You’re probably thinking to yourself, “I don't live near any rivers or lakes. I don't live in a flood zone. I don't need flood insurance." But you might be surprised to learn that floods are the most common type of natural disaster in the U.S., killing more people than any other type of natural disaster and causing more property damage than tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes combined. In fact, flooding is the leading cause of catastrophic damage to homes according to FEMA; over 30% of all flood claims come from homes with no history of previous flooding incidents!

The truth is most homeowners underestimate their risk for flooding because they simply don’t think it could happen to them—until it does.

How Can You Tell If You Are in a Flood Zone?

There are a few simple ways to find out if you live in a flood zone. If your home is located in a flood plain, or if you have a federally backed mortgage loan and it's located in an area that's designated as high risk for flooding, then yes—you should purchase flood insurance.

A residential property is considered to be at risk of flooding if it has been mapped by FEMA as being within the 100-year floodplain. The 100-year floodplain is the area of land where there’s a 1% chance of flooding every year.

If you have any questions about whether or not your home falls into one of these categories, contact your local FEMA office or county assessor’s office to inquire further about what type of insurance coverage would best suit your needs

Types of Flood Insurance

The first step to determining whether or not you need flood insurance is to understand what it is. Flood insurance policies are either federally subsidized or privately issued and can be broken down into two main categories:

1. National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) - This type of policy is issued through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and covers up to $250,000 in damages. They're good for flooding, fire and other disasters that meet their criteria (more on those later). The premium you pay will depend on where you live and how much coverage you want; the higher your premium, the more likely your property will be covered if something happens. If you don't have flood insurance but are at risk for floods due to river overflow or tidal surge during a storm event like Hurricane Matthew, then this may be a good option for protecting yourself from disaster losses even though it's not mandatory.

2. Flood Insurance Policy (FIP) - These policies are private-issued policies specifically tailored toward homeowners who want protection against damage caused by rising water levels during extreme weather events such as hurricanes or tsunamis; they tend also include coverage against earthquakes because many earthquakes cause flooding as well! While NFIP was designed solely around catastrophic events like major hurricanes hitting land areas without warning offshore islands nearby would still need some kind of protection plan in place before any natural disaster strikes them unexpectedly so having both options available lets people choose which one works best depending on their specific needs—but there's no reason why someone couldn't choose both types too just because they wanted more peace-of-mind about being prepared ahead of time when possible... unless there wasn't enough money left over after paying all those other bills each month!

Cost-effective Flood Insurance

If you own a home and live in a flood zone, it can be hard to know whether or not you need the extra coverage. The good news is that most insurance companies will give you the option to purchase a policy for less than $300 annually. If you're worried about rising costs due to climate change, consider adding a deductible of 10% or more. This will lower your premiums but still cover some of your losses if flooding occurs. If you already have homeowners' insurance, talk with an agent who specializes in flood protection and/or check out our state-by-state guide below for more details on what's available where you live!

The more you know about flood insurance the better you'll be able to protect yourself and your family.

If you live in a flood-prone area, flood insurance can be an important part of your overall financial strategy. It's also a good idea for anyone who has a federally backed mortgage or whose local government requires that they carry flood insurance on their property.

While it's not mandatory, many homeowners are surprised to learn that the majority of people with mortgages do not have a policy in place. If you don't have one, it's likely because you've never thought about it before—but now is the perfect time to start thinking about how having this coverage could protect both yourself and your home from significant damage if disaster strikes.

Flood insurance is an important part of your overall financial strategy. It can protect you from having to pay for damage that could result from flooding, which can be substantial and life-changing. Knowing more about flood insurance will help you make an informed decision about whether it's right for you and your family.

Fire Safety Laws That Your Small Business Should Be Following

12/1/2022 (Permalink)

People escaping through an exit door Make sure that you have adequate exits available in case of fire or a natural disaster.

Laws Regarding Fire Safety For Your Small Business 

In this article, we will explore some of the fire safety laws that your small business should be following. We'll discuss what OSHA has to say about workplace fire safety, as well as how the NFPA and other governmental agencies enforce their own regulations. We'll also cover some basic rules for keeping your workers safe at home and on the job.


When it comes to employee safety, OSHA has provisions for workplace fire safety and safety in the works to protect workers from the dangers of fire. OSHA requires that all workplaces have a written program that includes a fire emergency action plan. 

The program should include:

  • Training for all employees on how to respond to a workplace fire
  • All locations where combustible materials are stored should be inspected by an experienced person who has been trained in inspecting these areas
  • A system should be in place to notify authorities if there is a fire or other emergency situation (e.g., 911)

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 

The NFPA is the leading fire safety education organization in the United States. On their website, you can find a wealth of information about fire safety laws and regulations that are important for any homeowner or business owner to know.

The NFPA has developed a residential code that has guidelines for residential construction and remodeling of private homes. This code should be followed when constructing or remodeling your home, especially if it's a rental property like an apartment building or hotel room where you live. The code will tell you what types of materials can be used as insulation, how many outlets there need to be per room, as well as other requirements like having smoke alarms installed throughout the house with batteries replaced regularly.

You'll want not only yourself but also anyone else working on site who hasn't taken this course yet done so before attempting any kind of construction activities because failure could result in fines being levied against both groups involved--themselves financially but also professionally due to alleged negligence resulting from a lackadaisical attitude towards safety procedures altogether.

Accessible Exits

You’re responsible for ensuring the safety of your business and its employees. That means complying with all fire safety laws, including making sure that you have adequate exits available in case of fire or a natural disaster.

To meet this requirement, first, make sure there are enough exits for everyone in your building. The number of people who can safely exit the building must be greater than the number who can safely remain inside during an emergency situation. 

Next, clearly mark all exits with signs that indicate where they lead and how to reach them—and make sure those signs are visible from anywhere inside your building so that everyone knows how to find their way out if there's ever an emergency situation. 

Finally, ensure that all accessible exit routes allow easy passage through them at all times by keeping them clear of obstructions such as furniture or equipment; this includes keeping stairways clear at all times as well.

Locate Fire Extinguishers

You should know where all the extinguishers are located in your building and how to use them. If you see a fire, don't try to put it out yourself—call 911 and tell them where it is (the dispatcher will ask for this information).

If there's a fire that you don't know how to handle, do not use an extinguisher on it! Get everyone away from the area immediately, then call 911 and let them know what happened so they can send firefighters to help if necessary.

The Importance of Fire Safety Laws

Fire safety laws help protect your business from fire damage. You may be wondering how this is possible, but the answer is simple: by following fire safety laws, you will be ensuring that your business (and those who work for it) are safe and sound when it comes to protecting themselves from a potential fire emergency.

Fire safety laws are an important part of any business. They help keep your company and employees safe from fire damage. If you are not familiar with the fire safety laws in your area, it is time to take a look at them now. It's never too late to learn more about how dangerous fires can be if they aren't taken seriously by those who own property or work in certain industries where there is a higher risk for fire hazards.

If your business is impacted by a fire, give SERVPRO of Northwest Vegas a call!

Is a Burst Pipe Covered by Insurance?

11/7/2022 (Permalink)

water seeping under door Leaks caused by poor maintenance are often easily spotted.

Help! A Pipe Burst in My Home!

If you've ever been the victim of a burst pipe, you know how devastating it can be. Not only is the damage expensive to repair, but also it can ruin your home's interior and lower its value as well as raise your insurance premiums. Sometimes water damage isn't covered by insurance at all! If you've found yourself in this situation or are worried about having pipes burst in the future, read on for answers to common questions regarding burst pipes and water damage.

Is a burst pipe covered by insurance?

If you have comprehensive insurance, a burst pipe may be covered by that. If you have a separate pipe insurance policy, it may be covered under that as well. Your homeowner's insurance policy could also cover the damage if you have one. If none of these are true for your situation then, unfortunately, the damage is likely not going to be covered by any type of insurance policy. In this case, it will fall on you to pay out of pocket for repairs or replacements when necessary.

Why do pipes burst?

The most common reason that a pipe burst is because it's old and worn. As pipes get older, they can become brittle and develop cracks that allow water to leak out of the system. Poor maintenance also causes leaks. Leaks caused by poor maintenance are often easily spotted, as they tend to be near where the pipe was installed or joined together. The only way to know for sure if your pipes are in good shape is to have them inspected regularly by a professional plumber.

A burst pipe can also be caused by external forces such as freezing temperatures or high pressure from nearby equipment like an irrigation pump or sprinkler system. Pipes made from copper often burst due to corrosion over time as well (corrosion is when minerals build up on your pipes). You may want to consider putting new plastic piping in areas prone to freezing temperatures if you live somewhere cold enough for them.

What do I do when a pipe in my home or business bursts?

If your pipe bursts, turn off the water. If you can't shut off the flow of water, try to contain it—this will help minimize damage to your home or other property. You should also call a professional plumber as soon as possible. In addition to being a plumber, you should call your insurance agent and SERVPRO of Northwest Vegas.

How much does it cost to fix a broken pipe?

The cost of repairing a broken pipe depends on many factors, including the size, location, and type of pipe. If the pipe is underground, it will be more expensive to repair than if it's above ground. The average cost of fixing a broken pipe is between $1,500 and $2,000. However, this figure can vary greatly depending on where you live and what kind of damage has been done to your home or business by the breakage.

We hope this article has given you a better understanding of how to handle the problem of a burst pipe. If you’ve been affected by water damage and are wondering if it’s covered by insurance, we encourage you to contact us today so we can help answer your questions and get started on making your Vegas, NV home safe again!

Fire Commercial Cleanup Process

10/5/2022 (Permalink)

Inside of a building with smoke on walls and ceiling Commercial fire damage

Commercial Cleanup After Fire

After a fire, most businesses want to get back to normal as quickly as possible. However, the fire restoration process can be lengthy and difficult. A professional cleaning company can help you get back to business faster by restoring your building's structure, contents, and environment. The first step in this process is often soot removal from everything from floors to walls.

Soot Removal

Soot is a major cause of damage to property. If you've ever seen the aftermath of a fire, you know that soot can cover a wide range of surfaces and objects.

Soot can be removed with a variety of cleaning solutions, but it's important not to confuse soot with smoke. Soot tends to stick more strongly than smoke does. It also has different textures: soot is typically powdery or grainy, while smoke tends to be more liquid in nature (though both are still formed from gases).

Soot can be removed from walls, floors, and ceilings; as well as furniture and other items made out of soft materials like fabric or carpeting.

Smoke Cleaning

We are trained and experienced in the restoration of fire damage. We have the tools and expertise necessary to clean up smoke-damaged areas.

Smoke cleaning is done by specialized equipment, which can pick up micro-particles as small as one micron. We use HEPA vacuums, air scrubbers, and other devices that will help get rid of contaminants in your home or office. Our technicians are also trained on how to properly dispose of these items after they're removed from your property by using an industrial-strength incinerator.

Here are some important things to know about smoke cleaning:

  • Using specialized equipment allows us to remove any remaining residual particles that may remain after a fire has been extinguished; this includes both visible and microscopic particles
  • Your home or commercial space will be thoroughly cleaned before we leave so you’ll know it’s safe for you and your family members to return

Structure Cleaning

The first step in a structure fire cleanup process is to inspect the damage and determine its extent. The second step is to use a powerful vacuum to extract the soot, debris, and other contaminants that have been released into the air by the fire. This process may be repeated until all affected areas are thoroughly cleaned of soot and other pollutants.

It is important to note that even after extensive cleaning, some soot may remain on surfaces due to its ability to integrate into porous materials like wood or stone. For example, if you were involved in a house fire where your family lived on top of an open-air attic area (with rafters), most of your personal belongings would likely suffer from significant smoke damage because they were exposed directly or indirectly to this material type during the course of events leading up to such an incident taking place at home.

SERVPRO of Northwest Vegas Is Your Local Expert

SERVPRO of Northwest Vegas has specialized training and equipment to quickly restore your business to pre-fire condition. Our IICRC-certified technicians are trained in fire and water damage restoration, mold remediation, and asbestos abatement. We also have extensive experience cleaning up after fire damage, which allows us to help you get back to business as quickly as possible.

If you need commercial fire damage restoration, SERVPRO of Northwest Vegas is here to help. Call us now at (702) 453-8870.

Prevent Your Office Roof From Suffering Leaks

8/30/2022 (Permalink)

Brown water on white ceiling stained, hole on ceiling No business welcomes a roof leak.

No business welcomes a roof leak. Besides soaked equipment, the inconvenience of working space rearrangements, and overall stress, you become suddenly burdened with the cost of unexpected repairs. Luckily, you can make your office in Northwest Las Vegas, NV, less likely to suffer roof-related maladies through the implementation of some easy measures.

Damage Caused by Leaks

Should leakage afflict your building, a few difficulties you can expect include:

  • Wasted energy and higher utility bills
  • Mold and mildew
  • Compromised electrical wiring
  • Wood deterioration

Fissures commonly develop from improper maintenance, rainstorms, or poor installation. Note also that roofs need to be replaced every twenty or thirty years and older coverings are more susceptible. Become proactive and curb your chances of suffering a roof leak and suddenly needing a storm repair specialist.

Preventing Leaks
Upkeep remains key to avoiding disasters. Remember that while you can always perform visual inspections yourself, there’s no substitute for the skills of a trained expert. Therefore, have a certified professional perform a complete analysis and don’t forget to schedule follow-ups as time moves on. Request that your building’s ventilation be checked along with gutters and downspouts.
Regularly sweep away debris, as stuffed drains cause harmful rainwater to flow beneath shingles. Should you ever notice torn or missing tiles, have them replaced immediately. The longer you wait, the greater the odds of problems spreading.
Violent weather is a primary culprit of roof degradation. Although wind damage can never be eliminated entirely, moving trees and bushes away from your place of business reduces potential fallout. The reason for this is that leaves and branches cause algae and rot, leading to destructive moisture. Re-landscaping may seem an unappealing option, but the price will inevitably prove lower than an extensive building restoration.
Simple precautions can help prevent a disruptive roof leak. Rather than waiting for complications to occur and then rushing to remedy the situation, invest in proper maintenance.

What To Expect After Your Building is Damaged During a Flood

8/30/2022 (Permalink)

Soaked carpet in a room Flood damage at an office in Las Vegas, NV.

This Process Includes Three Important Stages

If you have experienced a flood in Las Vegas, NV, your building has likely been damaged in some way. A flood cleanup company can help you return it to a safe and comfortable environment. 

1. Inspection
The first thing that the emergency restoration company will do is inspect the building. This is necessary so that they know how to proceed. They will check each area of the building to determine what was affected as well as the type and severity of the damage. Once this has been done, they can start taking steps toward repairing the building.

2. Mitigation
After the inspection, mitigation can be done. This stage is usually completed much more quickly than restoration and involves taking action to reduce further damage. Excessive flood water inside the building will be removed to prevent mold growth and damage to building materials. Absorbent items such as carpeting, drywall and insulation may need to be torn out so they can be replaced. Dehumidifiers may be used to dry the building quickly.

3. Restoration
The final stage of the process is restoration. This is when all of the repairs are done. Depending on how badly the building was damaged, some areas may need major work. If the structure of the building was affected, some rooms may need to be rebuilt entirely. The flood cleanup company will also replace any materials that were removed. They may also perform smaller tasks, such as repainting the walls or replacing windows that were damaged in the storm. Furniture or other belongings that were affected by the flood may be restored at this time as well.
Water damage from a flood can cause a variety of problems in your building, from corrosion to mold, so it is important to have an inspection, mitigation and restoration done by a professional flood cleanup company as soon as possible. Starting the process sooner will also allow you to get back to work more quickly.

3 Tips for Gas Range Cleaning

8/25/2022 (Permalink)

Closeup shot of blue fire from domestic kitchen stove. Gas cooker with burning flames propane gas. Having a gas range is often a source of pride for many home cooks

Below Are Three Steps To Get A Deep, Safe Clean

If your home in Northwest Las Vegas, NV, has a gas range, cleaning it may seem like a lot of extra work. Since they don’t have the smooth surface its electric counterpart, food debris can build up and result in the need for a fire damage and restoration professional. Although range cleaning may not be a fun task, it is an important one. Below are three steps to get a deep, safe clean.

1. Grates
Before anything can happen, the grates need to be removed. Although they are heavy and durable, they still are susceptible to buildup from spills and residue. If they haven’t been cleaned in a while, the buildup could be quite thick and require significant scrubbing. The grates should be placed in the sink or bucket filled with warm, soapy water to soak. After sitting for a while, remove them and cover them with a cleaning paste of water and baking soda. Leave on for about 20 minutes and rinse.

2. Fuel Ports
If a smoke smell has been coming from your gas range, there is a chance that some debris has made its way into the fuel ports. Located under the burner cap, these ports are what let the flames out. If they get clogged, it can result in unevenly distributed heat or debris burning. These can be wiped down and inspected for any clogs. A small device, such as the end of a paperclip, may help clear any debris.

3. Surface
With the grates off, you can thoroughly clean the surface. A simple solution of soapy water or a mix of baking soda and vinegar can be used to wipe down the surface. Ensure a soft sponge or cloth is used and not something abrasive. A soft-bristled toothbrush is also a helpful tool to get off heavy residue or reach awkward areas that need a good cleaning.
Having a gas range is often a source of pride for many home cooks, but it also means taking the extra time to keep it clean.

What Are the Risks of Flooding After a Fire?

7/31/2022 (Permalink)

Firefighters putting out a fire in a house Water damage from fire suppression in Northwest Las Vegas, NV

What Threats Do Floods After a Fire Pose?

Fire and flooding damage may seem like unrelated issues, but flooding or water damage can follow a fire and intensify primary damage. Find out more about flood risks posed by different types of fires and how the Federal Emergency Management Agency's National Flood Insurance Program, also known as FEMA NFIP, can help with wildfire damage.

Water Damage From Fire Suppression

Regardless of the cause of a fire, fire suppression methods are likely to result in water damage.

  • Fire hoses dispense anywhere from 300 to 800 gallons of water per minute.
  • Firefighting efforts can grind in ash and soot.
  • A structure with fire damage may become flooded.

Damage resulting from fire suppression should be covered by homeowner's insurance. Document the damage before taking mitigation measures.

Flooding Resulting From Wildfires

The risk of flash flooding and mudflows can be elevated for up to five years after a wildfire.

  • Wildfires char the ground, limiting the ability of soil to absorb rainfall.
  • Fires eliminate vegetation that anchors soil.
  • Unabsorbent ground increases runoff.

Most homeowners' insurance policies exclude flooding damage. Homeowners in affected areas should obtain FEMA NFIP coverage.

Combined Fire and Water Damage

Standing water from flooding or fire suppression efforts worsens fire damage. Mitigation may involve:

  • Eliminating water with a pump or wet vac.
  • Preventing ash and soot from getting ground into hard flooring.
  • Tearing out and replacing porous materials, such as carpet.

Depending on the source of the flood water, specialized cleaning methods may be used to eliminate signs of fire and water damage from certain contents or surfaces. Cleanup specialists will recommend the right restoration measures.

Rely on fire, flood, and water damage mitigation experts to restore a residence following fire suppression efforts or wildfire-related flooding in Northwest Las Vegas, NV. Residents should document damage and file a claim with the FEMA NFIP or homeowner's insurance providers to offset cleanup and restoration expenses.

What Damages a Solar Panel?

7/23/2022 (Permalink)

Broken solar panel Sola panel damaged

What Causes Solar Panel Damage?

People in Las Vegas, NV with solar panels should feel confident that their investment should last and they won’t have to worry about panel damage. While the weather doesn’t always cooperate with our wishes, these renewable energy systems are designed to withstand a fair amount of what Mother Nature throws their way.

Panel Durability

Although the many photovoltaic cells that make up a panel are fragile, they are protected by a durable frame and tempered glass. Similar to cellphone screens, even if they shatter or crack, they maintain their form. The glass used is tested to provide a protective layer from hail, wind, and severe storms, as well as hold up to excess weight on them.

Common Culprits

Solar panels are designed to last up to 30 years, and may even continue working at a lower capacity after that, but they aren’t 100% resistant to the effects of nature. When general roof damage occurs, there may be a chance that there is also panel damage. The most common causes of damage include:

Falling debris – Dust, leaves and twigs may create tiny scratches that can eventually block some of the cells from absorbing sunlight. Larger branches falling have the potential to create large cracks. Maintaining nearby trees can help deter these problems.
Hail – Panels are designed to withstand hail. For people who live in areas prone to hail storms, or freak storms with larger hail, scratching or cracking can happen. While there isn’t much you can do to prevent hail damage, smaller panels can reduce overall damage.
Rain and snow – As panels age, seals can begin to deteriorate. This may allow moisture to get inside the panel and affect its components. A professional can reseal the panels to help them last as long as they should.

Most people won’t need to worry about panel damage for years to come. A few small steps, like keeping panels free of debris, can easily be added to your spring and fall home maintenance checklist.

What To Do When Your Business Floods

7/18/2022 (Permalink)

wet carpet, flooded building Flooded building in Northwest Las Vegas, NV.

How to Respond to a Flood at Your Business

Flooding in your Northwest Las Vegas, NV, business can cause major problems. However, the sooner you act, the less likely you are to suffer mold growth and other damage.

Flood Dangers
Standing water poses several threats. The major ones are the following:

  • Structural damage
  • Mold infestation
  • Electrical shock

Some items, such as wood furniture, can be permanently disfigured by water damage. The sooner you begin drying out the items, the better chance you have of salvaging them. Additionally, mold growth can begin within as few as 24 hours, so it is important to dry the affected area as soon as possible. However, do not turn on any appliances or use any outlets that have come into contact with water without first speaking to an electrician. Doing so could be dangerous.

Flood Cleanup
Every water damage scenario is different. For example, water from different sources will have different types and amounts of bacteria present. While it is important to tailor the cleanup process to fit the situation, the following steps outline the basic process:

  • Remove standing water.
  • Throw away items that cannot be salvaged.
  • Dry and sanitize remaining items.
  • Repair and replace damaged objects.

You can use special pumps or vacuums to remove most of the water. Afterward, you can use dehumidifiers or fans to dry out the rest of the water. It is important to remove everything that cannot be fully cleaned and sanitized so that it does not grow mold and contaminate other objects. The contamination level of the flood water and the nature of the wet object determine which cleaning solution you should use, but commercial detergent is fine for many items. After everything is clean and dry, you can begin repairing and replacing water-damaged items.
If you feel overwhelmed by the idea of cleaning up water damage, you can hire a certified restoration company to help you. They can address water damage, mold growth and many other problems.

4 Steps To Deal with Water Damage

6/27/2022 (Permalink)

Flooded office Water damage in an office in Las Vegas, NV.

Four Steps to Handle Water Damage

Any commercial property Las Vegas, NV, is susceptible to water damage. From broken pipes to foundation issues or a roof leak, any water issue requires immediate attention. After calling your insurance company to get the claim process started, there are four essential steps to take to minimize the damage.

1. Determine the Extent of Damage
The moment unwanted water is discovered, it is essential to find the source of the problem and the extent of the damage. If the cause is a burst pipe, stopping the water simply means turning off the main water supply. If it is a slow leak in the roof or foundation, the fix will not be as easy and may have likely already caused more damage than is visible. Using a water meter is a good way to determine how far the water has spread. With this information in hand, the specific cleanup needs will be easier to determine.

2. Document Everything
As you complete the initial inspection, it is recommended to take videos and photographs of all the associated water damage. Along with providing a better idea of what repair and restoration services may be required, it also helps the claims process go more smoothly by offering a clear picture of every item that has been damaged, making it easier for both the insured and insurer to create a plan of action.

3. Begin Water Extraction and Drying Processes
The sooner standing water is extracted the better. After sitting for 48 hours, the odds of having to replace more belongings and structural components and deal with mold growth increase dramatically. While a wet-dry vacuum is helpful, it may be worth renting an industrial-grade pump to speed up the process. Once the water is extracted, it is time to dry out the property and affected items. Fans and dehumidifiers are key tools to a faster dry time. During this process, it is important to keep the affected area sealed off to prevent the chances of the damage spreading.

4. Contact a Water Cleanup Specialist
When it comes to water issues, time is of the essence. Luckily, there are certified water mitigation and restoration professionals that are Faster to Any Size Disaster. Not only will a SERVPRO team be on-site to assist within 48 hours, but the team will also have the expertise to begin the essential water extraction process while working with the insurance provider to ease the claims process. With a focus on restoring and not replacing, this dedicated team has an arsenal of cleaning and restoration methods to ensure the claim is maximized for all parties involved. Since it is a one-stop-shop for every step of the process, it means gaining the confidence that the work will be completed as timely as possible with no hidden surprises.
Dealing with water damage is, unfortunately, a common issue and one that will likely arise at some point in time. Taking immediate steps to minimize the damage and working with a professional company that is an expert in the field and well-versed in the insurance industry makes the cleanup easier for everyone.

4 Steps To Create a Business Continuity Plan

6/16/2022 (Permalink)

Business Continuity Plan Concept A business continuity plan is designed to help your business get through any situation in which normal business operations must be suspended.

Four Steps To Create a Business Continuity Plan

Every new business in Northwest Las Vegas, NV, faces a myriad of risks that may lead to temporary stoppages in business operations. Common risks include natural disasters, fire, plumbing issues, and vandalism.
A business continuity plan is designed to help your business get through any situation in which normal business operations must be suspended. Here are the four main steps you must take to create a business continuity plan.

1. Perform a Business Impact Analysis
The impact analysis is designed to help you estimate how certain risks would impact important business functions. If you are not sure where to start, you can use a template questionnaire and have knowledgeable employees provide feedback.

2. Brainstorm Recovery Methods
The purpose of this step is to help you understand what would be necessary to recover successfully from the risks you have identified. You can conduct a survey of your current capabilities and how you could expand them.

3. Create an Emergency Response Plan
Develop a detailed plan for each scenario. Divide employees into teams with clearly defined responsibilities.

4. Develop Training and Testing Procedures
Create requirements for training and maintenance procedures. It is important that everyone in the company knows what their responsibilities are during an emergency. Assign someone to keep track of annual training schedules. Create drills and informational material that helps employees understand what their roles are.
Part of the plan development stage may involve familiarizing yourself with disaster cleanup services in your area. A professional restoration company with 24/7 availability will be able to help your business recover quickly and restore any property that can be saved.
To sum up, these four steps constitute a standardized model for business continuity plans:

  • Business Impact Analysis
  • Recovery
  • Planning
  • Testing

Planning for difficult events helps you secure the future of your business. You can move forward with confidence because you know you are ready to handle anything that comes your way.

5 Essential Steps of Restoring a Space After a Fire

6/7/2022 (Permalink)

Hallway of a commercial building, wall on the right side has flood cuts performed on it Protecting your business from water after a fire in Las Vegas, NV.

Restoring a Space After a Fire

If a fire has set your Las Vegas, NV, home, or business ablaze, restoring the damaged building back to normal is just as much a priority as the safety of those impacted. Here are the five crucial steps in any fire restoration process.  

1. Initial Safety Assessment
Once the flames have been extinguished, rely on a fire damage mitigation company to assess the property and begin drawing up a restoration plan. They will take necessary safety precautions to prevent further damage, such as boarding up the property. 

2. Remove Water
If a space got drenched with water to put out a fire, it then needs to be dried out. Professionals will remove the water and use industry-standard equipment to fully dry the structure to alleviate the risk of mold. 

3. Smoke Damage Cleaning
Once the area is cleared of any water damage, a smoke damage assessment will be performed for cleanliness purposes. This involves specialized products and techniques to free impacted surfaces from smoke and soot. 

4.  Deep Cleaning
Trusted fire rebuilding services want to restore any item they can to its prior condition. This is often achieved through a professional sanitizing process that can also include odor removal. 

5. Full-Scale Fire Restoration 
The final step is restoring the property itself. This will vary depending on the extent of the damage but may include structural overhauls like reconstructing portions of a building or replacing drywall. It can also include more cosmetic repairs, such as replacing carpets or putting new paint on walls after they've been cleaned of smoke damage
A fire rebuild project can be overwhelming, but with the help of a professional fire restoration company, the process is made easier. After performing safety evaluations, removing water, and cleaning soot and surfaces, your Las Vegas, NV, home or business can be fully restored back to normal. 

Which Smoke Detector Should You Install?

5/26/2022 (Permalink)

Smart smoke alarm on ceiling A smart detector sends alerts to a phone or tablet so that owners can seek aid whether in the house or not.

Which Devices Should Owners Buy?

Fires give little, if any, warning. Within minutes a tiny spark can turn into a major blaze, destroying a home. Homeowners in Las Vegas, NV, do have options, though, to reduce the harm, gaining early warning and mitigating damage. With the right smoke alarm installed in various rooms, receive alerts to escape and contact authorities for help. Which device should owners buy? The following are four choices that could work for your place.

1. Smart Detectors
Traditionally, a smoke detector sends out a wail when smoke is sensed. The loud noise alerts those inside to get out and call 911. There are several issues with this concept, however. These units rely on someone being home and in the vicinity of the alarm. Modern units add in smart technology. These detectors send alerts to a phone or tablet so that owners can seek aid whether in the house or not. In addition, some systems message about carbon monoxide levels and low battery levels.

2. Ionization Detectors
Some fires start up immediately. They have little smoke, but the blaze is intense. An ionization smoke alarm catches these well. Install them anywhere groups gather or in locations with heat sources or appliances.

3. Photoelectric Detectors
This technology senses smoke quickly, a quality useful in identifying smoldering fires. It isn't as swift at picking up signs of fast flames. Consider adding this to a kitchen area.

4. Dual-Sensor Detectors
The best of both worlds, these detectors combine ionization and photoelectric awareness. For fire safety purposes, it's best to install these for premium protection. They are instrumental in hallways and bedrooms. If people are sleeping, the alarm is imperative to understanding the gravity of the situation. This addition provides an extra measure of security. Some smart alarms pair with these or have both capabilities.
Ensure that each smoke alarm functions correctly. Install it properly and be sure that they are in the correct location. Early notification is your way to safeguard your family and property.

Dealing with Water Damage After a Fire

5/22/2022 (Permalink)

Firefighters putting out a fire in a big building Commercial fire damage in Northwest Las Vegas, NV

Importance Of Hiring Water Cleanup Professionals After a Fire

When you think of fire damage, you may think about ashes, soot-covered surfaces, damaged furniture and ruined appliances. However, you may not think of the extensive water damage that can occur. When you consider the sources of water that occur due to the fire itself as well as the acts to put it out, you will understand the importance of hiring water cleanup professionals right away.

Sources of Water Damage

Water that occurs due to a fire can come from a variety of sources. These include:

  • Burst water pipes due to the excessive heat
  • Fire sprinkler systems
  • Firehoses while firefighters are putting the fire out

Steps to Take to Assist with Water Cleanup
Water damage can have numerous negative consequences. One of the consequences is mold growth, which can begin to flourish within 24 hours, so the sooner you begin fire cleanup, the better. The first thing you should do is contact a fire restoration company, as these professionals know exactly what to do with fire and water damage.

This team will pump out any standing water and set up fans and dehumidifiers where it is safe to do so. They will also assist with smoke cleanup and a myriad of other restoration services.
Although the restoration team will do most of the work, you may be able to take some steps to minimize water damage while waiting for them to arrive. Only go back inside the building if it is safe to do so. If it is, open as many doors and windows as possible to air out the space. This includes any cabinet doors. Rugs should be removed to prevent further damage to the floor, and you can place foil underneath furniture legs to prevent water seepage from the floor.
Dealing with a commercial fire in Northwest Las Vegas, NV, is stressful. However, it is imperative you begin fire and water cleanup as soon as possible to mitigate damage.

How To Protect Your Employees During Mold Remediation

5/17/2022 (Permalink)

Mold Quarantine Mold containment in Las Vegas, NV.

How to Keep Your Employees Safe During Mold Removal

You've made a wise decision to call a commercial mold remediation team to handle mold removal at your business in Las Vegas, NV. Since you couldn't tell how extensive the problem was, you knew that a professional service would be your best bet for getting every last bit of mold removed. Now you wonder how to continue running your business during the mold cleanup process. Here are three ways that the professionals will protect you.

1. Air Filtration
As the team cleans, they will use specialized vacuums and "air scrubbers" to prevent mold spores from spreading throughout the building. Everything will be vented outside, away from your offices.

2. Containment Chambers
Professional mold removal involves the use of containment chambers. These chambers are most often created by hanging up plastic sheeting to seal off the area that is being cleaned from the rest of the building. A/C units, heating, and fans will be turned off, and vents and doors will be sealed. Depending on the size and severity of the mold growth, negative air pressure and an antechamber for changing out of PPE may also be used to fully contain the mold.

3. Remediation Strategies
The first step to remediating mold is to ensure that the environment that causes the mold growth has been addressed. If this is a leak from a pipe or a roof, previous flood damage, or a poorly ventilated space, these issues must be handled first. There's no merit to cleaning mold if the cause of it hasn't been managed. Then, visible mold types, such as black mold, will undergo antibacterial and antimicrobial cleaning procedures to ensure that no pockets of mold remain behind to regrow. If needed, certain materials such as carpets and drywall will be removed and replaced. Other items can be cleaned and restored.
A professional mold removal team will take every precaution to protect you and your staff from mold exposure during the cleaning process. Always follow their advice for the best outcome.

How Hiring a Disaster Recovery Team Can Get You Back to Business Faster

4/26/2022 (Permalink)

A green van and truck parked in parking lot SERVPRO of Northwest Las Vegas was quick to respond and start extracting water from the facility.

How Hiring a Disaster Recovery Team Can Help You Recover More Quickly

Disaster can strike at any moment with little notice and destroy your business. The time it takes to clean and restore your commercial space is time you should be serving your customers and taking care of your employees. You want a disaster recovery team on standby that can handle major storm damage restoration quickly and efficiently so you can return to your regular operations as soon as possible.

Recovery Teams Are Trained Specialists

When your business is damaged during a storm or event, you need to know that the recovery service you call is qualified to recognize and address the major issues you may be facing. If not properly treated, you could be facing long-term health and safety issues associated with events such as:

  • Water/flooding
  • Mold
  • Fire

Make sure the technicians you hire to clean and restore your space have specialized, professional training in water damage restoration and structural drying methods.

No Job Is Too Big for Them

When your local area is affected by a major event, you may feel overwhelmed by the damage not only to your property but also to the community at large. However, a professional restoration service is prepared with qualified and experienced production managers ready to take on large projects like hotels, universities and government buildings. Know that your business is in good hands when the next tornado, hurricane, or wildfire upsets your bottom line.

They Provide Emergency Service Around the Clock

In urgent situations, waiting to contact professional cleaning and restoration services only leads to greater damage. For water and flooding emergencies, disaster recovery services offer strategically convenient locations with 24/7 availability, so you can expect immediate action to combat further damage. You’ll want a service like SERVPRO to provide storm response that is Faster to any size disaster.
Storms, fires and other catastrophes are stressful, but they don’t have to be devastating. As a business owner in Northwest Las Vegas, NV, you need a disaster recovery team dedicated to providing local businesses with resources after major losses so you can get back to work as quickly as possible.

Basic Information on Storm Damage and Tax Deductions

4/21/2022 (Permalink)

Wet carpet floor, severe flood in an office Flood damage at an office in Las Vegas, NV.

Storm Damage and Tax Deductions: Basic Information

When your company in Las Vegas, NV, encounters major storm damage, it will likely look at all of its options to save money and survive a devastating event. The strategies and solutions for dealing with a disaster include many possibilities. Perhaps the first is relying on a primary insurance policy that covers damage caused by storms. This can result in claims payments for such things as a damaged roof, saturated contents and destroyed electrical systems.
The next step is often working with a professional storm remediation company in your area. A quality team of technicians can come to your building and perform an efficient restoration of the property. Help also might be available from one surprising source: the taxman.

The Ability To Deduct Storm Damage
Under certain circumstances, your company might be able to write off the expenses related to a storm. Not all losses will be tax-deductible, but the following costs could lower your overall tax liability:

  • Expenses that are not paid for by insurance
  • Expenses that qualify as losses to your company
  • Expenses for restoration services not covered by insurance
  • Deductibles you must pay before insurance kicks in

Tax laws are complicated and change frequently. Rules vary in federal, state and local jurisdictions. It is always best to rely on the advice of a tax professional.

The Strength To Recover Quickly
A powerful storm can do a number on your company and disrupt operations as well as cause all sorts of damage. It is best to consider all of your options. The expenses can become overwhelming. Also, when you are in need of restoration services, it is crucial that you partner with a franchise that has a proven track record. This will ensure the work will be done according to the highest industry standards.
Dealing with storm damage can be a trying time for your company. It could require the help of many professionals to recover.

Infrared Cameras and Mold Detection

4/8/2022 (Permalink)

Infrared camera While infrared cameras are technically not mold detectors, they are highly useful when trying to locate nasty spores.

Mold Detection with Infrared Cameras

Although you may be unable to see it, any mold smell inhabiting your office may be an indication of a fungal problem. Before tearing apart walls to find out if you have harmful growths in Northwest Las Vegas, NV, use an infrared camera to determine whether hiring a professional mold removal team is actually necessary.

Mold Detection Via Smell

Any variety of fungus smell is cause for concern. Action must be taken if you detect odors that are:

  • Talked about as being earthy
  • Could be characterized as meaty
  • Reminiscent of wet socks
  • Similar to rotten wood

If you identify stenches that fit these descriptions, an investigative inquiry should be undertaken before additional mold damage has an opportunity to develop. An infrared camera can help you target the source of the disturbing mold smell you are experiencing and aid in locating it.

Mold Detection Via Infrared Camera

While infrared cameras are technically not mold detectors, they are highly useful when trying to locate nasty spores. They do so by visually representing colder areas that can be caused by water intrusion. When combined with a suspect mildew smell, the odds of fungal growth being present are significantly greater.

IR cameras are only useful in buildings with air conditioning, the reason being that temperature variations in spaces without indoor temperature controls are too insignificant to be of use. When sweeping your office, point your device toward exterior walls and roofs, as well as the foundation where moisture tends to collect.

It is important that users of thermal imaging realize the temperature differential caused by insulation. Elevations are another issue that needs to be recognized. Because heat rises, overloaded electrical boxes and transformers may display subtle unexpected temperature variations. Any misdiagnosis could trigger unnecessary construction work or failure to identify where mold exists.

A mold smell inside your office may be a warning sign of a situation that needs to be addressed. Utilize technology to be certain you have a problem ahead of turning your workspace into a construction zone.

After the Flood: 3 Content Cleaning Tips

3/24/2022 (Permalink)

Wet documents Flooding can cause serious damage to your Fremont Street, NV, home and its contents.

3 Content Cleaning Tips After the Flood

Flooding can cause serious damage to your Fremont Street, NV, home and its contents. After a flood, it can be difficult to know how to salvage items such as photo albums, important documents and your children’s toys. Knowing how to restore these belongings and what is safe to keep for content cleaning can help you save time and money, both of which might be in short supply after serious flooding.

1. Retrieve Items in Safe Areas Only

Not all types of floods are the same, and the grade of water can have a significant impact on your belongings. For example, Flooding caused by a broken sink pipe in your kitchen may be less damaging than one that originated from a broken sewer or flooded toilet. Category 3, or black water, is usually the result of such floods, which may make items more difficult to sanitize and restore. As such, it is wise to avoid retrieving any belongings that have been soaked by contaminated flood water.

2. Lower Humidity in Affected Areas

After flooding, indoor humidity levels can rise considerably. This can affect important paper documents, books and photographs. To prevent curling and warping of paper products, turn off your home’s ventilation systems, open the windows and turn on floor and ceiling fans. This can help reduce humidity until you are able to move these items to a safer area.

3. Ask a Flood Damage Service for Advice

Calling in a flood damage and restoration service to help you with content cleaning may help you feel more confident about the choices you make regarding your damaged items. For example, flood technicians can help you understand the difference between porous items, such as plastic toys and fabrics, and non-porous belongings, like those that are made of metal or glass. Porous items may have to be discarded if they were soaked with contaminated flood water.

Content cleaning can be challenging after flooding affects your Fremont Street, NV, home. Understanding how certain types of floods might affect your belongings can help you make the best decisions possible when it comes to salvaging them.

Know Who To Call When Your Commercial Property Floods

3/19/2022 (Permalink)

soaked carpet, flooded office building Flood from a storm in Medical District, NV.

Know Who To Call When Your Commercial Property Floods

It’s the call no business owner wants to receive: “The building is flooded and there’s water everywhere!” Naturally, you may have many thoughts and questions going through your mind, such as who to call for water cleanup and how you can protect your property from water damage. The sooner you can get someone on the task, the better — the longer water sits or continues to flow, the greater the damage and cost.

Commercial Drying Specialist (CDS)

If the flooding is at all extensive, you need a commercial drying specialist who is an expert in the water cleanup process for commercial spaces. Commercial spaces are much more complicated and often larger than residential ones and require specific knowledge of the equipment, systems and variables that come into play.

The Remediation Process

IICRC certified specialists work according to industry standards, utilizing proven methods and the latest technology to create a total remediation strategy for your specific case.

Investigation: A broken pipe or damaged roofing might be obvious source of flooding, but sometimes the cause is hidden or multi-faceted. A CDS has extensive experience in knowing what to look for and where to find it, so nothing is left to chance and you decrease your risk of developing additional problems down the road.

Cleanup: Once the water is removed, your CDS will turn his or her focus to cleaning any carpets and fabrics and drying out electronics, equipment or electrical systems. Commercial floods can affect a multitude of areas, and certified specialists have the experience and training to address it all.

Preventative Measures: The CDS and remediation team will use highly specialized equipment to make sure the area is thoroughly dried out so you will not have a mold issue later on. They’ll also advise you about what steps you can take to prevent further damage in the future.

Know where you can find qualified specialists in your Medical District, NV, area before disaster strikes. Then if the unthinkable happens, you’ll know the first call you need to make for water cleanup and remediation.

What to Do About Smoke Odor Damage After a Fire

3/3/2022 (Permalink)

Visible damage to a commercial building following a structure fire Commercial fire damage in Northwest Las Vegas, NV.

After a fire, What Should You Do About Smoke Odor Damage?

If your business in Northwest Las Vegas, NV, has been struck by a fire, it may be damaged in many different ways. Aside from structural damage, damage from smoke odor may also be present and can severely harm your commercial building. If an odor from residual smoke has spread throughout your building, it’s crucial to schedule a smoke cleaning with a professional. Here are some simple steps you can take to minimize the damage before help arrives.

Clean HVAC System

If you allow smoke particles to linger in your HVAC system, they can continue to affect the air quality of your building. Be sure to do the following as soon as possible to remove any residual smoke from your ventilation system:

  • Replace air conditioning filters
  • Have HVAC system inspected
  • Contact a professional to clean out air ducts

It’s vital to take action immediately if you suspect smoke damage in your business. Failing to address lingering smoke can cause it to further permeate the air and harm your commercial building.

Remove Damaged Objects

All items in your building that have been damaged by smoke must be removed from the affected area right away. This may include any window screens, cushions or rugs that are found around your building. Anything that can be washed must be washed as quickly as possible in order to free it of smoke odor. However, a professional smoke cleaning should be conducted if furniture items such as desks and couches have been damaged.

Clean Carpets

Removing smoke from carpets is a difficult step as the particles can become embedded in the material. To alleviate the odor, try cleaning your carpets with baking soda and then let it sit for a few hours. You can also choose to steam clean the carpeting, although this should be done with care. It’s best to avoid damaging any aspects of your building if possible.
When your commercial building in Northwest Las Vegas, NV, is affected by smoke damage, taking immediate action is vital. Contact professional restoration services for a smoke cleaning and have your business restored in no time.

Toilet Overflow? Here Are Your Next Steps

2/17/2022 (Permalink)

Drying equipment inside a bathroom If you are facing problems with your toilet you should call in the professionals to clean up and resolve the flooding problem.

What To Do With a Toilet Overflow

If you face a flooded toilet merely by flushing, you may have sewer damage instead of a more surface-level problem. To mitigate the risk of damage to your bathroom floors and fix the overflow concerns, here is a list of steps to go through before calling a sewage company and water damage remediation specialists.

1. Stop the Overflow

Remove the lid of the toilet and lift the float. As you do this, ask someone else to shut off the water valve just behind the toilet. To do this, the other person will need to turn the valve clockwise.

2. Mop the Excess

Once the flooded toilet has stopped leaking, you can begin to mop up the excess water. You will also need to sanitize as thoroughly as possible. If it is a sewer damage problem, the water will be more dangerous than typical water that flows through the pipes in your home.

3. Plunge the Toilet

Plunging ensures that pipes are sufficiently cleared and that there’s no extra blockage about which you should be concerned. If plunging does not solve the issue, you will want to pay a phone call to your local sewage company.

4. Call for Professional Help

If you are certain that the water on hand is sewer water, it is crucial to call in the professionals. Your water restoration experts in Las Vegas, NV, will not only be able to solve water overflow issues, but they will also be able to examine and sanitize the affected areas – including floors, walls and baseboards – to make sure that the water leakage isn’t going to cause mold or health concerns.

If you are facing persistent flooded toilet issues or sewer damage, shutting off the water and calling the professionals to clean up can help you quickly resolve the flooding problem and any subsequent water damage.

What You Should Know About Boarding Up Your Home in an Emergency

2/10/2022 (Permalink)

Broken window boarded with plywood, smoke around window frame When you board up your home following fire damage, you are preventing additional problems.

If you live in hurricane country, you may be familiar with emergency board-up services to protect your home from damage. But did you know there are lots of other good reasons to board up your home’s windows and doors in Northwest Las Vegas, NV? Consider a few of them and whether you might take advantage of it to safeguard your home.

Benefits of Boarding Up Your Home

  • Prevent additional damage from weather or animals
  • Reduce the risk of property loss from theft and looting
    Helps keep your insurance coverage by showing them you are taking appropriate measures to prevent more damage or theft
  • Reduce your risk of liability by keeping people and pets out and preventing injury

Keep Your Home Safe and Your Insurance Intact

When you board up your home following fire damage, you are preventing rain, wind, hail or snow from causing additional problems. You are also keeping rodents, birds and other pests from taking up residence or contaminating the area. Perhaps one of the greatest problems is looting. When someone unscrupulous discovers your home is not being lived in and has easy access, you are in danger of them salvaging anything they can get their hands on to pawn or sell on the streets, or even from squatting on your property. Boarding up your doors, windows, or openings caused by fire damage to show your insurance agent that you are doing everything in your power to prevent further damage.

Don’t try to take on the job yourself - a board up can be an overwhelming task and would be best done by an emergency board up service in Northwest Las Vegas, NV. They can make sure everything is secure and can avoid causing additional damage by ensuring all fasteners go into secure places. They may also use tarps where appropriate. Whether you are doing the whole house or just an opening or two, boarding up can save a lot of grief.

3 Effective Flood Damage Prevention Alternatives to Sandbagging

2/5/2022 (Permalink)

Inflatable dam, water inflated flood barrier Inflatable flood dams use water itself as a prevention method.

Alternatives to Sandbagging

Traditionally, sandbagging has been used to guard businesses and homes from the damage floods cause. However, they are labor-intensive to set up, ineffective compared to other methods, harbor harmful contaminants, and are difficult to dispose of. Fortunately, there are other methods of protection that can be are much more effective at giving the storm damage cleanup company less work to do and are environmentally friendly. Next time you attempt to protect your business in Las Vegas, NV, from flooding, consider ditching the sand bag altogether and try one of these three alternatives.

1. Self-Activating Flood Barrier

For a flood damage prevention method that is less labor-intensive, flood barriers are a great alternative. Since they self-activate when wet, there’s no need to worry about filling them with any materials. Like sandbags, these barriers work by absorbing water, but they are a non-toxic option and do not need to be treated as hazardous waste during the disposal process.

2. Inflatable Dam

Unlike sandbags and other methods that absorb water, inflatable flood dams use water itself as a prevention method. Some models require you to fill the dam with hose water ahead of time while others are filled with air and replaced with floodwaters as they arrive. They then create a barrier that keeps floodwaters away from your business.

3. Water Gate

Although they are a more expensive option, water gates are much more effective and eco-friendly than a sand bag. They create a transportable flood barrier using durable materials that will keep flood water out with or without anchoring. They can also be stored and reused after a flood. Watergates are the ideal option for large properties and sections of businesses or residential areas.

There’s no need to use the traditional sand bag method and risk damage to your business and exposure to contaminants! Next time a flood is headed toward your business, try one of these three alternatives.

Combating Fungus: Controlling Mold Growth in Your Home

1/23/2022 (Permalink)

Wall with mold Mold damage in a Northwest Las Vegas, NV home.

Controlling Mold Growth in Your Home

While mold damage can occur relatively quickly, most structural harm will come from prolonged instances of moisture buildup. Therefore, to prevent and control the level of mold development in your home, it may be necessary to perform regular inspections as well as install and maintain proper preventative measures.

1. Controlling Humidity

Mold and mildew growth are tied directly to moisture. One of the most advantageous times of the year for this type of fungus is in the warmer summer months when humidity is high. Therefore, as an extra layer of protection, you may want to install dehumidifiers around your home, especially in your basement and possibly attic where moisture levels are typically highest.

2. Ventilating High Moisture Areas

Extensive mold damage can be prevented in areas like bathrooms, kitchens and laundry rooms by using proper ventilation. You can install ceiling fans and even ductwork that vents to the outside to minimize the amount of remnant moisture in these areas.

3. Sealing Your Home

A lot of mold growth occurs around windows, doors and even rooflines. You can inspect these areas, looking for signs of sealant wear and tear. If you come across areas of yellowing or cracked caulk lines, it is in your best interest to replace the caulk before dampness infiltrates your framing and home interior.

4. Inspecting and Resolving Home Repair Issues

While surface inspections are easy enough, it can be beneficial to have annual inspections of your home to ensure that there are no hidden problems. You can call a mold remediation specialist in the Northwest Las Vegas, NV, area to have your home assessed for possible damage. Many of these companies will offer a free assessment of your property and even provide you with a preventative plan.

Mold damage can be a costly problem that seems to come from nowhere but being vigilant about moisture control can minimize those risks. Installing dehumidifiers and ventilation systems can eliminate most environmental moisture problems. Also, scheduling regular inspections can help pinpoint issues before significant repairs are needed.

Why Did Your Water Heater Spring a Leak After You Flushed It?

1/12/2022 (Permalink)

Man's hands unscrewing a screw-nut on a water heater with a wrench on a boiler If you flush your tank every year or two, keep up the good work!

Flushing a Water Heater

You purchased your home in Northwest Las Vegas, NV, several years ago and recently ran across an article warning of the dangers of sediment building up over time in the bottom of your water heater. So, like any responsible homeowner, you decided to flush the tank on your next day off. Everything went according to plan, and after filling the tank with water, you left the area completely satisfied with your DIY skills.

A week after the water heater flush, you noticed the tank had sprung a leak. It was more of a slow drip, but it still consisted of water leaving the tank and ending up on your floor. What could have caused the new problem?

1. Sinking Sediment

As your heater ages, it can develop tiny cracks in the stressed metal casing. While the sediment at the bottom of the tank is certainly not a good thing, sometimes it can act as a plug for the miniature stress fractures in the metal.

2. Unclogging Holes

When the sediment is removed, the flushing water force can wash away the particles plugging the little holes, allowing the water to escape. Sadly, the size of the hole often determines the nature of the drip and how quickly you need to deal with the problem.

3. Dripping Heater

Once the leak develops, you may wish to contact a water removal specialist to determine what can be done. The professionals can help you determine how best to deal with a leak that is sure to expand over time as the tank ages.

If there is a moral to be had from this example, it is that a water heater that has not been flushed for many years should probably have the sediment removed cautiously by water professionals. On the other hand, if you flush your tank every year or two, keep up the good work!

The Benefits of Interruption Coverage for Your Business

1/5/2022 (Permalink)

Business interruption insurance form and red pen for signing. Whether you own or rent your building, business interruption insurance is necessary.

The Advantages of Business Interruption Insurance

A fire in your commercial building can wreak havoc on your business plan. In addition to calling fire restoration services as soon as possible to get repairs started, you need a good business interruption policy to help sustain you until those repairs are finished. Interruption coverage for your business in Las Vegas, NV, has several benefits.

Monthly Expenses

Even if your building is out of commission, that doesn’t mean those monthly bills magically disappear. You are likely still responsible for many of the same expenses that you have when your building is fully functional. These expenses may include:

  • Employee wages
  • Insurance premiums
  • Rent
  • Equipment leasing
  • Business loan payments

A solid business interruption policy can cover your expenses. This means you don’t have to worry about whether or not you can stay current on your financial obligations.

Relocation Costs

Depending on the severity of the damage sustained from the business fire, you may need to move the daily activity of your business elsewhere for a while. If damage is extensive, it may take weeks to get your business up and running in its rightful location again. Most businesses cannot afford to be out of commission for that long a period of time. Your interruption insurance can help with the costs of temporary relocation, allowing you to continue operations while your building is being restored.

Revenue Guarantee

Even if you do relocate your business, the change is likely to result in a dip in your income. While your property insurance covers the actual fire cleaning process, an interruption policy can cover any revenue you lose as a result of the fire. The insurance company takes into account projections of how much you would have made if the accident had not occurred to determine how much it will pay.

Whether you own or rent your building, business interruption insurance is necessary. It can protect you from financial loss from a delay in operations in the event of a fire, flood, or natural disaster.


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