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Staying Safe and Dry During a Flood | SERVPRO of Northwest Las Vegas

5/21/2024 (Permalink)

big wooden house in high water Flash floods come at the most unexpected times. Are you dealing with the aftermath? SERVPRO of Northwest Las Vegas is here to help! Call us now.

We don’t see much rain around here on a regular basis, but when we do, flash flooding conditions can appear quickly. Our dry, arid ground can have a harder time absorbing a lot of rain in a short amount of time, and it can back up and start to flow down our streets and into our homes as a result. 

Knowing what to do before, during and after a flood can help you navigate these disasters more smoothly. Let’s chat about some flood safety strategies below! 

Preparation Tips

The best way to prevent serious damage from occurring is to prepare your home and property for the incoming rain. Cleaning up your yard and pulling children’s toys, yard equipment and any other clutter into your garage can prevent it all from being swept away. 

You should also take the time to tie down patio furniture, propane tanks or grills that are too heavy to move but that could still be impacted by the flowing water.

Check on your gutters and downspouts to make sure they are clear and pointed away from your house, and then head inside to prepare your home. If you know that your basement floods often when it rains, move any fragile possessions or important documents up to a higher level and consider shutting off electricity down there for the time being. 

Locate your emergency kit, and be sure you have at least one reliable way of receiving weather alerts that doesn’t require electricity to work.

When the Water Starts Flowing  

If your home starts becoming infiltrated with water, try to stay calm and stay in a safe location. It can be scary to watch water seep into your basement or leak down your walls, but it is important to remember that the storm will eventually move on and the water will stop rushing in.

Once the storm passes on, be really careful moving about your house. Flowing water is really strong and could have caused damage to your home that you can’t see at the moment. 

Wear sturdy boots and gloves if you have to walk through the water. Floodwater can be toxic or could be harboring sharp objects or chemicals, so try to stay out of it as much as you can. Now is the time to get us on the phone!

How We Can Assist You 

Our team understands that water damage should be dealt with quickly and efficiently, so we will get started on your restoration as fast as possible. The longer the standing water sits in your home, the worse your damage could get and the risk for mold growth increases. 

We will extract the standing water and use our thermal cameras to detect residual moisture. Once your space is dry, we can locate the source of the leak and address specialized repairs. 

Water can easily warp floors, ruin carpet and create soggy walls, so we will also tackle these restoration jobs while we work. When we are done, your home will be dry and returned to its pre-flood condition.

Flood water can cause extensive damage. Contact SERVPRO of Northwest Las Vegas right away.

When Disaster Strikes Your Business, We Step Up | SERVPRO of Northwest Vegas

2/21/2024 (Permalink)

Fire Disaster in Warehouse When disaster strikes your business, the aftermath can feel overwhelming. Call SERVPRO of Northwest Vegas today. We are here to help!

You put a lot of your time, effort and passion into running a successful business in the Las Vegas community, and it sure shows! We have so many great restaurants, entertainment venues, arts opportunities and commercial properties in the area, and we have you to thank for that.

We also know that it can be a ton of work to run a business. Dealing with the daily schedules, managing employees and planning for disasters can be a lot, and sometimes it can just be simply overwhelming. Thankfully, our team is here to ensure you don’t have to do everything yourself. We proudly offer our restoration and cleaning services to our local businesses and commercial properties. 

Our Restoration Services 

While you may have a plan in place for dealing with disasters, they can still take you by surprise and leave you with serious damage to your property. A catastrophic warehouse fire, impact damage from a fallen tree or even a busted water line that was left to leak overnight can leave you with extensive damage and some really important decisions to make. 

Our team can help you recover no matter how destructive or extensive the damage is. We have a large-loss recovery team that will handle your entire restoration from the initial planning all the way through to the final repairs. 

We know that every minute during an unexpected closure can have serious effects on the success of your business now and in the future, so we work hard to be as efficient as possible during this process. 

Our Specialty Cleaning Services

We would assume that your cleaning responsibilities may not be your favorite part of owning a business, which is why you rely on your janitorial staff to help you along the way. However, your custodians may not have the tools and equipment to tackle every cleaning job that you have. Our commercial cleaning crew can help you with those more specialized cleanings.

We can handle anything from deep carpet cleanings to odor removal and everything. When was the last time you had your air ducts cleaned? We can handle that, too. Our goal is to help keep your business clean so you can focus on other important tasks. 

Cleaning Up Biohazards 

Planning for disasters is one thing, but planning for the unexpected or emergencies is entirely another. Suffering a crime at your business or discovering a sewage leak may be overwhelming, but it can also be dangerous. 

Biohazard substances should always be cleaned up by a professional because they can be dangerous or even toxic to handle without the proper training and safety gear. 

Our team will take care of everything from start to finish so you stay safe the entire way through. Animal waste and remains, hoarding situations, crime scene residue, bloodborne pathogens and sewage leaks are just some of the situations we are trained to handle. When the unexpected happens and you are left with a dangerous situation, give us a call. 

What are you waiting for? Schedule one of our commercial services at SERVPRO of Northwest Vegas today.

Where Is That Water Leak Coming From? | SERVPRO of Northwest Las Vegas

11/21/2023 (Permalink)

Plumbing, water and a woman in the bathroom of her home with a cloth and bucket waiting for assistance. Has a leaky appliance left water damage to your home? SERVPRO of Northwest Las Vegas is here to restore your space. Contact us today!

Water leaks can be really stubborn sometimes and can be hard to track down! One minute your home is running smoothly and you don’t have a care in the world, and then all of a sudden you are glancing up at your ceiling and notice a water spot or walk into your kitchen only for your socks to get soaked through.

A single dripping pipe or a malfunctioning appliance could be the culprit, but first you have to figure out where the water is coming from. Follow along as we explain some of the more common places for water leaks to occur and what to do when you do discover the source of the leak. 

Where Water Leaks Often Start

A leak can start anywhere that you have water flowing through your home. Pipes are constantly moving water around behind your walls and a single worn water line or deteriorated seal can be enough for a serious leak to occur. Check the pipes and lines that are easily visible around your toilets, sinks and tubs for signs of moisture.

Another common location for leaks is around your appliances. We rely on our trusty appliances like dishwashers, washing machines and water heaters to help us get through our days, but they can also leak at any time and leave behind a water disaster, and probably dishes or clothes that are still dirty. 

Checking your appliances regularly before you use them can help alert you to any developing situation, and you should also make sure you are performing any routine maintenance that can prevent these issues from actually occurring. 

Controlling the Situation 

If you have pinpointed the room or area of your house where the leak is originating, start opening cupboards, feeling walls and checking all water connections in the room. Once you locate the source of the leak, shut off the appropriate water valve to stop the flow of water and shut off the appliance at fault to ensure it can’t start back up again. 

Once the situation is partially under control, it’s time to get us on the phone. Our team understands the time-sensitive nature of water disasters, and we will work quickly to prevent mildew or mold growth from taking hold. You should also take some pictures of any damage that you see.

The Drying Process

We will quickly identify the source of the leak and address repairs while also getting started on the water extraction process. We have industry-leading drying equipment that will pull water from every part of your space, including behind your walls or under your floor. 

Once your space is clean and dry, we will tackle any water damage that was caused by the standing water. Water is known to warp wood, sag floors and ruin drywall, but we can help you recover from anything.

A fast water restoration can help you avoid mold growth and structural issues. Contact SERVPRO of Northwest Las Vegas today.

Battling the Elements: How to Prepare for High Winds and Protect Your Home

6/18/2023 (Permalink)

High winds can be a force of nature that pose significant risks to both personal safety and property. Preparing for high winds is crucial to mitigate potential damage and ensure your well-being during such weather events. In this blog post, we will discuss essential tips and strategies to help you effectively prepare for high winds, empowering you to protect yourself, your home, and your surroundings.

Stay Informed and Monitor Weather Updates

Stay informed about weather conditions by regularly monitoring weather forecasts and updates from reliable sources. Pay attention to alerts and warnings related to high winds issued by meteorological agencies. Being well-informed allows you to take timely action and make necessary preparations.

Secure Outdoor Objects

Inspect your surroundings and identify objects that may become projectiles in high winds. Secure or store away outdoor furniture, umbrellas, grills, garden tools, and other loose items that could be picked up and tossed around. Trim or remove weak tree branches that could potentially break and cause damage.

Reinforce Doors and Windows

Ensure that your doors and windows are properly reinforced to withstand high winds. Install storm shutters or use impact-resistant window film to protect glass surfaces from shattering. Reinforce doors with sturdy deadbolts and install heavy-duty hinges to prevent them from being blown open.

Strengthen Roofing and Siding

Regularly inspect your roof and siding to identify any loose or damaged areas. Repair or replace loose shingles, tiles, or panels to ensure they are securely fastened. Consider reinforcing vulnerable areas with metal strapping or clips. Reinforce garage doors to prevent them from collapsing under high wind pressure. If you have outdoor structures such as sheds, gazebos, or playsets, ensure they are properly anchored to the ground. Use ground anchors or tie-downs to secure them firmly. Reinforce connections and structural components to improve their resistance to high winds.

Trim and Maintain Trees and Vegetation

Maintain trees and vegetation around your property to reduce the risk of falling branches and uprooted trees during high winds. Regularly trim branches that are close to your home or power lines. Remove dead or weak trees that may pose a significant hazard during severe weather events.

Prepare an Emergency Kit

Assemble an emergency kit that includes essential supplies to sustain you and your family in the event of high winds or related power outages. Include items such as non-perishable food, drinking water, flashlights, batteries, a first aid kit, blankets, and a portable weather radio. Ensure the kit is easily accessible and kept in a secure location.

Create an Evacuation Plan

Develop an evacuation plan in case high winds escalate to a severe level or if local authorities issue evacuation orders. Identify evacuation routes, establish a meeting point for your family, and ensure everyone understands the plan. Keep important documents and contact information readily available to take with you if you need to evacuate.

Preparing for high winds requires proactive measures and careful planning to protect yourself and your property. By staying informed, securing outdoor objects, reinforcing doors and windows, strengthening roofing and siding, anchoring outdoor structures, maintaining trees and vegetation, preparing an emergency kit, and creating an evacuation plan, you can enhance your readiness and safety during high-wind events. Remember, personal safety should always be the top priority. If the situation becomes severe, follow the guidance of local authorities and seek shelter in designated areas.

The Top 5 Most Common Types of Mold Found in Homes: A Guide for Homeowners

5/8/2023 (Permalink)

mold wall Being aware of mold in your home and business is essential to maintain a clean environment.

When it comes to maintaining a healthy home, it is important to be aware of any potential mold growth. Mold is a type of fungus that can grow in damp or humid areas, and it can cause damage to your home if not addressed properly. We will focus solely on the most common types of mold found in a home.


Alternaria is a type of mold that is commonly found in damp areas such as bathrooms and kitchens. It can grow on a variety of surfaces, including shower curtains, tiles, and wallpaper. Alternaria is typically dark in color and has a velvety texture. While it is not typically harmful to humans, it can cause allergic reactions in some individuals.


Aspergillus is a type of mold that is commonly found in homes with poor ventilation. It can grow on a variety of surfaces, including walls, floors, and furniture. Aspergillus is typically green in color and has a powdery texture.


Cladosporium is a type of mold that is commonly found in damp areas such as basements and bathrooms. It can grow on a variety of surfaces, including walls, floors, and furniture. Cladosporium is typically black or dark green in color and has a powdery texture.


Penicillium is a type of mold that is commonly found in homes with high humidity levels. It can grow on a variety of surfaces, including walls, floors, and furniture.


Stachybotrys is a type of mold that is commonly found in homes with water damage. It can grow on a variety of surfaces, including walls, floors, and furniture. Stachybotrys is typically black in color and has a slimy texture.

In conclusion, being aware of the most common types of mold found in a home can help you identify any potential mold growth and address it before it causes damage to your home. While it is important to be aware of any risks associated with mold exposure, this article focused solely on the most common types of mold found in a home. 

Renters Insurance and Fire Damage: What You Need to Know

4/4/2023 (Permalink)

renters insurance policy It is always good to have renters insurance incase of a fire emergency in your home.

As a renter, it's important to have renters insurance to protect your personal belongings and cover any damages to the rental unit. One of the most common risks that renters face is fire damage. Therefore, it's important to understand whether renters insurance covers fire damage or not.

The short answer is yes, renters insurance generally covers fire damage. However, the coverage and amount of coverage can vary depending on your policy and insurance provider. Renters insurance typically has two types of coverage: personal property coverage and liability coverage.

Personal property coverage protects your personal belongings, such as clothing, electronics, and furniture, from damage caused by fire, theft, or other covered events. If your belongings are damaged or destroyed in a fire, your renters insurance policy will pay to repair or replace them up to the policy limit.

Liability coverage protects you if you're held responsible for damage to someone else's property or for injuries sustained by someone while on your rental property. For example, if you accidentally start a fire in your apartment that spreads to your neighbor's unit, your renters insurance policy may cover the damages to their property.

It's important to note that while renters insurance covers fire damage to your personal property and liability, it may not cover the physical structure of the rental unit itself. That's because the landlord is typically responsible for insuring the building and any structural damage caused by fire or other covered events.

Therefore, it's a good idea to check with your landlord and insurance provider to make sure you have adequate coverage in case of a fire. You may also want to consider additional coverage options, such as loss of use coverage, which covers the cost of temporary living expenses if your rental unit becomes uninhabitable due to fire damage.

In addition to having renters insurance, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of fire damage in your rental unit. Some tips include:

Install smoke detectors: Make sure your rental unit has working smoke detectors in every room, and test them regularly.

Don't overload electrical outlets: Avoid using too many appliances or electronics on one outlet or extension cord, as it can cause an electrical fire.

Be careful with open flames: Don't leave candles, cigarettes, or other open flames unattended.

Keep flammable materials away from heat sources: Keep items like curtains, paper, and cleaning supplies away from heaters or other heat sources.

In conclusion, renters insurance typically covers fire damage to your personal property and liability, but may not cover the physical structure of the rental unit. It's important to have adequate coverage and take steps to prevent fire damage in your rental unit.

Pipe Break Plan

2/20/2023 (Permalink)

broken water line When water damage is present, give SERVPRO a call at the first sign of water damage.

If your water pipe breaks, you have to do some quick thinking and action. Your first step should be calling your water service provider as soon as possible, but there are other steps you can take while you're waiting for them to arrive.

Call your water service provider.

The first thing you should do after a pipe has broken is call your water service provider. They will be able to tell you where the break occurred, as well as give an estimate for repairs. You can also ask if they have a 24 hour emergency service available and what it would cost to repair the pipe. In addition, ask them if they can provide temporary water supply until repairs are made or if there's another way around this problem (like getting access to another source).

Shut off the water supply to the broken pipe.

Shut off the water supply to the broken pipe. If you can't shut off the water supply, call your water service provider. Turn off the main valve. Turn off both handles on your faucet(s), then turn on another faucet in your house (to let air into pipes). After turning off the water supply open cabinets doors, under sinks or behind toilets until you find where your main valve is located.

Seal off the area to prevent further damage.

Seal off the area to prevent further damage. Use a wet/dry vacuum to remove excess water and a shop vac to suck up any remaining water in the pipe. Cover the area with plastic sheeting, then seal it with duct tape. This will help keep out airborne debris that could cause additional damage as well as protect your home from mold growth in case there's any moisture left behind inside of your walls or ceiling structure after everything has dried out completely

Remove any property that has been damaged by water.

Once you have identified the source of the leak, it's time to remove any property that has been damaged by water. Remove anything that is wet or has been damaged by water, including carpeting and drywall. Dry out the area as much as possible before removing anything else.

Remove any damaged items such as furniture or appliances and throw them out. If something is salvageable, put it in a safe place until repairs are complete. If there are spills on your flooring (such as food), clean them up immediately so they don't become permanent stains.

Water damage restoration professional

After a pipe break, the most important thing to do is get a water damage restoration company to clean up the mess. There are many things to consider when choosing a company and determining if they're right for your job. A good restoration company will offer a free estimate on how much it will cost to clean up your home or business after a flood or other water damage incident.

Experienced technicians who know what they're doing (and won't make any mistakes). It's tempting when hiring someone else because of how busy we all are these days--but remember that this is one area where saving money isn't worth risking quality results!

Give SERVPRO a call at the first sign of pipe break or water damage to your property. We are available to help 24/7 and provide experienced and knowledgeable technicians with the right equipment for any size water loss.

How to Keep Your Valuables Safe from a Fire

2/13/2023 (Permalink)

Fire, soot, and smoke damage inside a Las Vegas home. If you have suffered a fire, SERVPRO of Northwest Vegas is here to help. SERVPRO is a trusted leader in the fire and water restoration industry.

It's a sad fact that some people will try to rip you off after a fire. But don't let them! Keep your valuables safe with these tips.

Take an inventory of your valuables

If you have important items that are irreplaceable, take photos of them and write down the value of each piece. It's also helpful to keep a record of the serial numbers for all expensive items. Storing these records in a fireproof safe will give you peace of mind in case anything happens to your home or possessions.

Additionally, if there is any chance that an item might be stolen during a fire (e.g., jewelry), it can help to keep this list in another safe area outside the house—just as long as it's accessible by firefighters once they arrive on the scene!

If you have valuable items that are irreplaceable, take photos of them and write down the value of each piece. It's also helpful to keep a record of the serial numbers for all expensive items. Storing these records in a fireproof safe will give you peace of mind in case anything happens to your home or possessions.

Assess their value

The first step in protecting your valuables is to assess their value. Start by thinking about what you keep under lock and key (or behind padlocks, for those with a more rustic approach). List the items, then estimate the market value of each one. If you have an item that is worth a lot more than its purchase price, it’s important to know this so you can make sure it’s covered under your homeowner's insurance policy. 

For example, you have a collection of antique pottery that has been passed down through generations of your family. The pieces are valuable but may not be insured because they are considered art, not property. On the other hand, if someone broke into your home and stole these pots while they were in storage at an offsite location—that would be covered by insurance because they're considered personal property within your home even though they're not being kept there at present time.

Store your valuables in a secure place

Storing your valuables in a safe is the most secure way to protect them from fire. If you don’t have a safe in your Las Vegas home already, it’s worth looking into getting one.

You can also keep an inventory of all of your valuables with photographs and descriptions of each item. This will help you know what you lost in case there is any damage done by smoke or water that isn’t covered by insurance.

Photographs & Documents

These items are often easy to overlook when you're preparing for a fire. The photos and documents in your home aren't just sentimental items; they're also irreplaceable. You can always buy new jewelry, but you'll never get back the family heirlooms that were lost when your house burned down. 

Take care to keep these items safe, but don't forget about them either! Don't store them in the same place as your valuables—or any other important document or photo. These things deserve their own space and should be given special attention while planning your evacuation strategy. If there's room in the safe deposit box at your bank, consider keeping backups of these items there as well (though this is only an option if it's not too close to home). 


Use a fire-resistant frame. The matting that is placed behind your artwork is another important factor in protecting it from smoke and fire damage. A variety of materials are used in matting, all of which can catch fire and cause smoke damage to the art. For example, wood frames are highly flammable; canvas and linen mats may also be combustible. If you have original works that require framing, consider using non-combustible materials such as acrylic instead of wood or fabric frames and mats made with polyester rather than cotton or wool fabric. 

Keep artwork away from heat sources. Artwork should not be too close to heat sources such as radiators or radiators near windows because any papers contained within the artwork may become warped due to excessive heat exposure over time; this could cause permanent damage if the paper becomes curled or buckled during its lifespan as a finished piece (and therefore unable to be sold).

Take steps to protect the valuable items that you can't replace.

You should always ensure that the items you have stored in your home are properly insured. This way, if something happens to them, they will be replaced with money from your policy. It may also make sense to consider storing some of your valuables in a safe deposit box at a bank or credit union. This is especially true if you have any extremely valuable items like jewelry or art pieces that are irreplaceable and worth more than $100,000.

If you can’t store the item in a safe place or keep it with you at all times, there is still one last option for protecting it from fire damage: buy an appropriate container for it that can withstand the heat! Putting these types of items into fireproof boxes will help protect them from being destroyed by flames during a house fire.

Your belongings are valuable to you. Keep them safe with these tips.

It's important to understand that while insurance can help you recover from the financial impact of a disaster, it's not a perfect solution. It's best to have insurance, but also be prepared for what might happen if you're not insured. Make sure to keep an inventory of your valuables and consider insuring them.

It can be overwhelming to think about what to do with your valuables after a fire. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at SERVPRO of Northwest Vegas. We’re here to help!

Flood Insurance - Do I Really Need It?

1/4/2023 (Permalink)

Flood insurance form Flood insurance is an important part of your overall financial strategy.

If you live in any part of the world that regularly experiences flooding, then flood insurance is a necessity. Floods can be devastating to homes and lives, but they are not always covered by home insurance policies. If you plan on buying a home, or if you already have one and want to make sure that it is properly protected in case of flooding, then flood insurance is something you will need to purchase.

Flood Facts

You’re probably thinking to yourself, “I don't live near any rivers or lakes. I don't live in a flood zone. I don't need flood insurance." But you might be surprised to learn that floods are the most common type of natural disaster in the U.S., killing more people than any other type of natural disaster and causing more property damage than tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes combined. In fact, flooding is the leading cause of catastrophic damage to homes according to FEMA; over 30% of all flood claims come from homes with no history of previous flooding incidents!

The truth is most homeowners underestimate their risk for flooding because they simply don’t think it could happen to them—until it does.

How Can You Tell If You Are in a Flood Zone?

There are a few simple ways to find out if you live in a flood zone. If your home is located in a flood plain, or if you have a federally backed mortgage loan and it's located in an area that's designated as high risk for flooding, then yes—you should purchase flood insurance.

A residential property is considered to be at risk of flooding if it has been mapped by FEMA as being within the 100-year floodplain. The 100-year floodplain is the area of land where there’s a 1% chance of flooding every year.

If you have any questions about whether or not your home falls into one of these categories, contact your local FEMA office or county assessor’s office to inquire further about what type of insurance coverage would best suit your needs

Types of Flood Insurance

The first step to determining whether or not you need flood insurance is to understand what it is. Flood insurance policies are either federally subsidized or privately issued and can be broken down into two main categories:

1. National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) - This type of policy is issued through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and covers up to $250,000 in damages. They're good for flooding, fire and other disasters that meet their criteria (more on those later). The premium you pay will depend on where you live and how much coverage you want; the higher your premium, the more likely your property will be covered if something happens. If you don't have flood insurance but are at risk for floods due to river overflow or tidal surge during a storm event like Hurricane Matthew, then this may be a good option for protecting yourself from disaster losses even though it's not mandatory.

2. Flood Insurance Policy (FIP) - These policies are private-issued policies specifically tailored toward homeowners who want protection against damage caused by rising water levels during extreme weather events such as hurricanes or tsunamis; they tend also include coverage against earthquakes because many earthquakes cause flooding as well! While NFIP was designed solely around catastrophic events like major hurricanes hitting land areas without warning offshore islands nearby would still need some kind of protection plan in place before any natural disaster strikes them unexpectedly so having both options available lets people choose which one works best depending on their specific needs—but there's no reason why someone couldn't choose both types too just because they wanted more peace-of-mind about being prepared ahead of time when possible... unless there wasn't enough money left over after paying all those other bills each month!

Cost-effective Flood Insurance

If you own a home and live in a flood zone, it can be hard to know whether or not you need the extra coverage. The good news is that most insurance companies will give you the option to purchase a policy for less than $300 annually. If you're worried about rising costs due to climate change, consider adding a deductible of 10% or more. This will lower your premiums but still cover some of your losses if flooding occurs. If you already have homeowners' insurance, talk with an agent who specializes in flood protection and/or check out our state-by-state guide below for more details on what's available where you live!

The more you know about flood insurance the better you'll be able to protect yourself and your family.

If you live in a flood-prone area, flood insurance can be an important part of your overall financial strategy. It's also a good idea for anyone who has a federally backed mortgage or whose local government requires that they carry flood insurance on their property.

While it's not mandatory, many homeowners are surprised to learn that the majority of people with mortgages do not have a policy in place. If you don't have one, it's likely because you've never thought about it before—but now is the perfect time to start thinking about how having this coverage could protect both yourself and your home from significant damage if disaster strikes.

Flood insurance is an important part of your overall financial strategy. It can protect you from having to pay for damage that could result from flooding, which can be substantial and life-changing. Knowing more about flood insurance will help you make an informed decision about whether it's right for you and your family.

Fire Safety Laws That Your Small Business Should Be Following

12/1/2022 (Permalink)

People escaping through an exit door Make sure that you have adequate exits available in case of fire or a natural disaster.

Laws Regarding Fire Safety For Your Small Business 

In this article, we will explore some of the fire safety laws that your small business should be following. We'll discuss what OSHA has to say about workplace fire safety, as well as how the NFPA and other governmental agencies enforce their own regulations. We'll also cover some basic rules for keeping your workers safe at home and on the job.


When it comes to employee safety, OSHA has provisions for workplace fire safety and safety in the works to protect workers from the dangers of fire. OSHA requires that all workplaces have a written program that includes a fire emergency action plan. 

The program should include:

  • Training for all employees on how to respond to a workplace fire
  • All locations where combustible materials are stored should be inspected by an experienced person who has been trained in inspecting these areas
  • A system should be in place to notify authorities if there is a fire or other emergency situation (e.g., 911)

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 

The NFPA is the leading fire safety education organization in the United States. On their website, you can find a wealth of information about fire safety laws and regulations that are important for any homeowner or business owner to know.

The NFPA has developed a residential code that has guidelines for residential construction and remodeling of private homes. This code should be followed when constructing or remodeling your home, especially if it's a rental property like an apartment building or hotel room where you live. The code will tell you what types of materials can be used as insulation, how many outlets there need to be per room, as well as other requirements like having smoke alarms installed throughout the house with batteries replaced regularly.

You'll want not only yourself but also anyone else working on site who hasn't taken this course yet done so before attempting any kind of construction activities because failure could result in fines being levied against both groups involved--themselves financially but also professionally due to alleged negligence resulting from a lackadaisical attitude towards safety procedures altogether.

Accessible Exits

You’re responsible for ensuring the safety of your business and its employees. That means complying with all fire safety laws, including making sure that you have adequate exits available in case of fire or a natural disaster.

To meet this requirement, first, make sure there are enough exits for everyone in your building. The number of people who can safely exit the building must be greater than the number who can safely remain inside during an emergency situation. 

Next, clearly mark all exits with signs that indicate where they lead and how to reach them—and make sure those signs are visible from anywhere inside your building so that everyone knows how to find their way out if there's ever an emergency situation. 

Finally, ensure that all accessible exit routes allow easy passage through them at all times by keeping them clear of obstructions such as furniture or equipment; this includes keeping stairways clear at all times as well.

Locate Fire Extinguishers

You should know where all the extinguishers are located in your building and how to use them. If you see a fire, don't try to put it out yourself—call 911 and tell them where it is (the dispatcher will ask for this information).

If there's a fire that you don't know how to handle, do not use an extinguisher on it! Get everyone away from the area immediately, then call 911 and let them know what happened so they can send firefighters to help if necessary.

The Importance of Fire Safety Laws

Fire safety laws help protect your business from fire damage. You may be wondering how this is possible, but the answer is simple: by following fire safety laws, you will be ensuring that your business (and those who work for it) are safe and sound when it comes to protecting themselves from a potential fire emergency.

Fire safety laws are an important part of any business. They help keep your company and employees safe from fire damage. If you are not familiar with the fire safety laws in your area, it is time to take a look at them now. It's never too late to learn more about how dangerous fires can be if they aren't taken seriously by those who own property or work in certain industries where there is a higher risk for fire hazards.

If your business is impacted by a fire, give SERVPRO of Northwest Vegas a call!